These Dogs Aren’t Man’s Best Friend… Or Yours. They’re Just The Worst.

BLAM! News Daily

14. “This wouldn”t be a problem if you left Animal Planet on.”

"This wouldn

15. “I swear it wasn”t me.”

"I swear it wasn

16. Rejected, once again.

Rejected, once again.

17. Wait, WHAT?!

Wait, WHAT?!

18. Hat trick!

Hat trick!

19. Revenge is a treat… served cold.

Revenge is a treat... served cold.

20. This is every 50s cartoon summed up.

This is every 50s cartoon summed up.

21. “Only a bowl of dried kibble a day… this”ll teach you!”

"Only a bowl of dried kibble a day... this

22. Gotta love “em.

Gotta love

23. What”s the opposite of superheroes?


24. “I swear this was necessary. You”ll thank me when you don”t find a squirrel in there.”

"I swear this was necessary. You

25. “Homework done. Play with me now.”

(via Distractify)

I don”t know about you, but I definitely think I should give my dog a few extra treats from now on. I hope she doesn”t try to extract revenge on me!
