20 Photos That Are Sure To Make You Cringe
Reasons not to buy cars with flesh colored interiors: things like this are bound to happen. Merely posing in with both legs in front of her, this girl is unaware of the fact that the seat makes it look as though her legs are spread wide open for the world to see.
Let Me Get That For You
We’re not sure who is more uncomfortable with this magical find: the guy picking another dude’s nose or the guy getting his nose picked. If they were teammates, they would probably laugh it off, no big deal. In this case, though, this incident probably fueled some competitive fire on the court.
Just Hanging Out
A simple employee photo of a normal waitress. That is, until you look down. While one can dismiss it as a trick of the light, for a minute you really do think to yourself “Wait. What? Is that for real?!” Probably not, but it still merits a place on a list of very uncomfortable photos.
Balls Out
We all know how intense a soccer match can get and how emotional the players all are throughout the game. This, though, takes the cake for awkward moments on the field. While both players involved here probably thought nothing of an altercation over the ball, this is absolutely a photo we won’t soon forget.