18 Tips For Survival From Hollywood Disaster Movies
Learn To Swim
No matter what the disaster, expect a lot of water. Even in a fire in a tall building, you’re going to get flooded at some point.
Do The Opposite Of The Crowd
Everyone has decided to walk out in the storm? Stay inside. Everyone is running downhill? Go uphill. Remember, humans in very large groups can’t be trusted to make good decisions.
Stay Out Of Tall Buildings
Trust me on this, keep as far away from them as you can.
Whatever You Need Will Present Itself
Need a car? There’s a car! Need a plane? There’s one, and you’ve had a couple of lessons too! Need a boat? Right here! Remember, normal rules of society are out the window and it’s more than acceptable to take something that doesn’t belong to you. But also remember, as soon as you find the vehicle of choice, fate will balance itself with an impassible road, low jet fuel or a massive wave. It’s the ying-yang of disaster luck!