15 Things You Didnt Know About Paleo

BLAM! News Daily

09. Beware Preservatives

This one cannot be disputed theres some things in the foods that simply arent good for you. Some paleo friendly diets dont take into consideration the preservatives and additives that can make a good diet go bad. Keep an eye on that!

08. Its More Than Food

We said it wasnt a diet and we meant it. While most define paleo by the food, its about much more than that. Paleo takes into consideration things like sleep, physical movement and other factors that can make or break you.

07. Cooking Is a Cinch

We get it: nobody has the time to slap together a meal on their own. Fine. Sure. But if its important, you simply have to make the time, right? At least thats the idea! Make the time to cook for yourself. Theres tons of paleo recipes and books out there.

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