10 Things You Didn’t Know About Game Of Thrones

BLAM! News Daily

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Game Of Thrones

There Are 70 Different Ways To Say Hodor

Although the character Hodor can only say his name, the actor playing him, Kristian Nairn, has said that there are actually 70 different ways to say Hodor. Using a slightly different inflection and expression, he is able to show different emotions such as fear, happiness, sadness, curious and sheepishness.

It Shares A Lot of Cast With Harry Potter

Because much of Game of Thrones is filmed in Northern Ireland, a large proportion of the cast are British actors. This means that many of the people portraying people in the series have also been in other high profile franchises based in the United Kingdom, including Harry Potter. A total of nine cast members have appeared in both Game of Thrones and Harry Potter, including Bronson Webb, Edward Tudor-Pole, Julian Glover and Ciaran Hinds.